Me, Watching Tennis

Me, Watching Tennis
Me, Watching Tennis

Monday, June 29, 2009

Making Friends Makes For Upsets, Sometimes

The Wav (Wawrinka) has not yet upset Mr. Murray, but like The Kuz (Kuznetsova), who made friends with the Williams sisters, making friends (they keep talking about how Wav and Murray practiced together and are friendly) gives the Wav an edge other players don't have. I blogged about how I thought that Kuz making friendly with Serena ruined the intimidation factor and helped give her the win at the French. I say the same thing here. But this one is not over. We're on serve in the second, actually.

A couple of observations-
What is with Murray always "come on-ing" the Wav's mistakes? Eh. Not so crazy about that.

Observation numero 2-
Jamie, Andy's brother FLIRTING outrageously in the stands. He's nuts. I love him. Andy? Not really loving him. But whatever.

Yours Truly,

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